Forthcoming Publications
*1 poem - Overburden - published in Poetry Northeast in March 2013.
1 poem - Apis Calf, Ashfield - published in SPOKE in April 2013.
Poems Online
*1 Poem - The Poet Arrives at the Former Site of the John Brown Trailer Park - published in the Boston Globe, 2011.
1 Poem - Jill Returns to Cameron - published in Agni Online in 2003.
2 Poems - Late Spring and M's Vortex - published in Perihelion in 2000.
Poems in Print Publications
*2 poems - Mercy Prayer and Benwood Mine and Queen Anne's Lace - Salamander Magazine, 2013.
*1 poem - Request - Request, Upper Big Branch - published by hand with drawings by artist Laraine Armenti, five unique prints, at Boston University, 2012.
2 Poems - Sycamore Song and My Father's Father's Cadillac - published in The Center in 2006.
1 Poem - Poem for You - Published in Appalachian Journal in 2005.
Plays in Print Publications
1 Play - The Ornithologist's Mother - comedy / ten-minute play - BTM 5 Anthology, Baker's Plays, in 2008.
Essays Online
Letter to the Editor - My Generation - published in Agni Online in 2003.
Essays in Print Publications
Interview with Tom Breiding - published in Appalachian Journal in 2009.
*Dead of the Night, WVa Project